When it comes to solderable cable-end connectors they really aren't friendly with proprietary headphone connections, iPhones / mobile phones with cases and small portable amplifiers. The fact of the matter is that they're just too large. Well DIYers can finally breath a sigh of relief with the Oyaide P-3.5 mini connector. (Just for the sake of reference, mini connectors are referred to as 1/8" connectors or 3.5mm connectors and are most often used as a portable headphone connection). The Oyaide connector comes in standard, right angle and Ultrasone flavors and is finished with either gold plating or rhodium/silver plating. The Ultrasone style connectors have an extended "rib" so they fit in Ultrasone headphones, as well as some other headphones with a proprietary 3.5mm inlet.
Gold and Rhodium Ultrasone Connectors |
Internal view of Oyaide P-3.5 |
These relatively small connectors are sized to easily fit through an iPhone or other cell phone case, which makes them great for portable headphones. Taking a look below at the Oyaide versus three other popular mini connectors (Canare F-12, Switchcraft 35HD and Neutrik NYS231), you'll notice there's a substantial difference in size. The main obstruction when using other connectors is the ledge right underneath the sleeve (ground connection). The Oyaide connector solves this issue.
Mini size comparisons |
Additional comparison photo |
Below are the soldering connections for left signal, right signal and ground on the Oyaide.
Soldering connections for the Oyaide P-3.5 |
The soldered Oyaide connector |
One disadvantage with using this connector is the cable inlet on the shell of the connector is quite small and will only accept thin-gauge cable. This can be remedied by drilling out the hole and filing with a Dremel bit. The drilled and Dremeled connector is shown in the lower right versus the unmodified shell on the left.
Drilled out shell for wider cables |
Below is a photo of a finished cable with the Oyaide on one end and the Neutrik on the other end.
Oyaide on left, Neutrik on right
And finally here is a photo of a finished cable for a Fostex T50RP using the Oyaide on one end.
I hope this information regarding the new Oyaide P-3.5 mini connector was informative. If you'd like to purchase a custom cable featuring it, please contact
Zynsonix.com for a quote.
The Fine Print:
The above steps detailing the building of a cable are for entertainment purposes only and not to be performed under any circumstances. The owner of this blog and all associated parties can not / will not be held responsible if you attempt the process posted and cause physical harm to yourself, your surroundings or your property. Please keep this in mind.
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